
PNV Responses

Code R: Reserved Numbers

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Numbers labeled with Response Code R are reserved for specific purposes or have associated services. These numbers cannot be included in the port because numbers attached to complex services cannot be transferred. In such cases, the Losing Carrier will reject the port.

To proceed with the port and submit CNA, reserved numbers must be removed from the port before submitting to CNA. Alternatively a ticket can be raised to dispute the response with the Losing Carrier.

Figure 1. Customer pathways for actioning reserved Numbers

How-To Guide

Option 1: Remove number/s

Step 1: Review PNV Response

  • Review the email notification for the PNV Response.
  • The PNV Response will highlight numbers which are reserved.

Step 2: Add the number/s to the port order

  • Login to Sonar using the port URL provided in the email notification.
  • Remove listed in PNV response to the port order in Sonar.

Step 3: Submit CNA

  • If there are no additional PNV concerns to address within the port, submit CNA.
  • Failure to address all PNV concerns before submitting to CNA may result in additional charges and time delays. Please consult your service schedule or contract for information on charges.
  • If the submission to CNA is done incorrectly, a manual withdrawal of a port is necessary which can delay the port further.

Step 4: Cutover

  • Following the CNA submission, an email will be sent, and a booking request will be made with the Losing/Donor Carrier.

Option 2: Raise a dispute

Step 1: Respond to ticket

  • Respond to the Logged ticket sent via email following the port submission. Request the initiation of a dispute with the Losing Carrier regarding the reserved number/s specified in the PNV Response.
  • Include a copy of the latest invoice and evidence from the Losing Carrier suggesting the rejection is incorrect.  
  • The resolution of a dispute typically takes 2 business days, although it may exceed this timeframe. However, the code does not specify a maximum duration. During this period, resubmitting the port is not permitted.
  • The operations team will respond with the outcome from the Losing Carrier.
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