NZ telecom regs

NZ Telecom Regulations: TESA, TICSA and the TCF

Nathan Steele & Michelle Costa

February 12, 2025

As a New Zealand telecom carrier, we often field questions from Australian MSPs and telcos wanting to serve potential customers across the ditch.

New Zealand is a potential growth market for many Australian telcos and MSPs. But going into a new market means navigating new rules and processes. For many providers, uncertainty about local laws and regulations is a stumbling block.

The good news is - NZ has a similar regulatory approach to Australia. If you are already delivering voice and messaging services in Australia, expanding into NZ will feel familiar.

Where do you start?

For telecommunications companies wanting to operate in NZ, understanding the local regulatory landscape is essential.  

The NZ telecom sector is governed by various regulatory frameworks. Telcos entering the NZ market will need to understand the rules about network access, number porting, emergency calling, and key regulatory bodies if they are to avoid compliance issues.

To keep things simple, we’ll focus here on the three T’s – TESA, TICSA and the TCF. We’ll explore each of these in turn.

Industry bodies – TCF & ComCom

The primary industry bodies are the New Zealand Telecommunications Forum (known as the TCF) and the NZ Commerce Commission (ComCom). It monitors issues like pricing for wholesale services, market competition, and consumer protection.  

ComCom is New Zealand's competition and consumer watchdog. They're responsible for ensuring that markets are competitive, and consumers are well protected.

The TCF is a forum of NZ communication providers. The TCF members work together to develop many of the standards and principes that become industry codes and carrier processes. In turn, the TCF members are then obligated to follow these rules.

TCF membership is voluntary for small providers. However, if you are committed to building your brand and business in NZ, you should consider being an active industry participant.  

Symbio is a TCF member. In our position as a wholesale provider we advocate for code changes and process improvements that benefit smaller providers. We focus on improving number portability, open wholesale access, and increasing market competition.


Emergency calling – TESA

The Telecom Emergency Services Access (TESA) database is primarily used to identify where people are calling from in an emergency. This is a close equivalent to the IPND in Australia, or the dispatchable location requirements in the US.

NZ is different from other parts of the world because updating and maintaining the database is voluntary. Only signatories to the TCF code are required to submit data to the TESA database.

Information in the TESA database is very helpful for emergency services. Having up-to-date emergency call information can save lives. So, as best practice, we recommend that service providers routinely collect, validate and update customer address information.  

To this end, Symbio has tools and processes that can streamline the ‘busywork’ of providing data feeds between you and the TESA, so that data can be updated in near real-time.  

Legal intercept – TICSA

In New Zealand, Symbio and other carriers comply with the Telecommunications (Interception Capability and Security) Act - TICSA – which gives NZ police the ability to tap and monitor communications.

NZ telecom providers must have the capability to assist government agencies in surveillance activities, including interception of communications in compliance with national security laws.

As a Symbio customer you are automatically compliant with legal intercept rules in NZ. You do not have any additional costs or obligations in this regard.  

Cross the ditch with confidence

Entering the New Zealand telecommunications market offers significant growth opportunities for Australian MSPs and telecom providers.

Getting familiar with key regulatory concepts like TESA, TICSA, ComCom, and the TCF is essential for smooth market entry and ongoing compliance.  

By aligning with New Zealand’s regulatory standards, Aussie telcos can better navigate the market and successfully expand their footprint across the Tasman.

To begin your trans-Transman expansion, speak to your Symbio account manager or contact us online.

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