Symbio Scam Report

Fight scam calls and texts with Symbio

Symbio upholds responsible communication practices that protect you from illegal calling activity.

Report scam calls or messages here:

Keeping you safe from scam calls
and texts

Symbio abides by industry standards for scam call blocking. Plus, we have invested years in developing anti-fraud and anti-scam technology to pinpoint malicious calls, long before they reach you.

175 million potential scam calls blocked by Symbio in Q4 2023

Scam calls blocked in H2 2024

Information for consumers

How do I stop scam calls or messages?

Report scam calls

Fighting scams is a team effort. If you are receiving scam calls or messages, please lodge a report with the anti-scam agency in your country.  

We’ll then work with this agency to investigate, trace and block any scam calls:

How do I stop telemarketing and robocalls?

Most telemarketing and robocalls can be blocked by joining the Do Not Call Register (DNCR) in your region.

Why is Symbio calling or texting me?

Symbio is a phone network. Symbio is not the company calling you nor the company sending you text messages. We actively fight against spam, scams and fraud.

When you search for a phone number online, you’re shown the name of the phone network on which that number is being used (eg. Symbio), not the names of the company that is calling or texting you.

Why is a Symbio number being used in a scam?

Scam calling is a challenge for every telecom provider and affects every level of the communication industry.

Communication networks (like Symbio) provide phone numbers to telecom providers, who in-turn sell those numbers to other businesses and consumers. Sometimes, those numbers fall into the wrong hands.

Scammers rely on being several steps removed from the communication network, so they can hide in plain sight. But when you report a scam, we can take action.

When you report the misuse of numbers on our network, we can act quickly to shut off phone scams, tele-fraud and nuisance calls traversing the network.

Does Symbio block scam calls or fraud?

We have a proactive, zero-tolerance approach to scams and fraud. We want our numbers and network to be used in a way that enriches humanity.

In the second half on 2024, Symbio has proactively blocked more than 31 million suspicious calls.

How do I report harrassing/life threatening calls or texts?

Threatening or harassing communications should be reported to your local police. Symbio will assist police investigations as required by law.

Information for brands and businesses

Help! My number is being advertised in a phone scam.

Report phone scams/number impersonation

If your brand is being impersonated as part of a scam, please lodge a report with the anti-scam agency in your country.
Symbio has a zero-tolerance approach to scams and fraud on our network.

Once you’ve made your report, we’ll work with the anti-scam agency to verify the fraud, then block the numbers.

Your report will also help to protect the public from financial loss and reduce the potential damage to your brand.

Information for service providers

I've been notified of a phone scam - how do I report it?

If you are a service provider with numbers hosted on our network, or call traffic traversing our network, you are obligated to pass-on reports of scam calls or texts.

Wholesale service providers/carriers

As a service provider, you can report scams calls and texts, fraud and nuisance calls via the Symbio portal (Symbio Logged). This facility is not available to your end-customers and it is your responsibility to submit the report.

You must create a 'scam/spam report' ticket and include the following information:

From here, the Symbio Service Assurance team will investigate and take relevant action.

End-users and customers

Your customers – consumers or businesses – can report scam calls and texts to their local anti-scam agency using the above links.

Unfortunately, in line with regulation, end-customers cannot report scams to us directly. We can only act on behalf of an authorised government agency.

Why is Symbio reporting my business - I'm just a service provider?

We strictly follow the scam/spam call reporting and investigation process set out in industry code C661:2022.

Under section 5.4.1 of the code we are required to notify the local regulator of a scam / spam report and include the regulator at all stages of the communication.

As part of our notification we are required to include the name of the originating or transit service provider associated with the scam/spam activity.

Once the scam/spam report is made, Symbio will work with you and the local communications regulator to verify, investigate, trace and block any scam calls.

Help us fight scam calls and texts

Symbio is working together with consumers, businesses and industry to block scam calls and text messages. Join the fight by reporting scam communications.

Report Scam